Revelation Knowledge Beyond and Correction to Bible College Teaching

Revelation Knowledge Beyond and Correction to Bible College Teaching

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Some people have attended some of the best Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Universities throughout the United States and around the world and still are not prepared to feed GOD’s people in the name of JESUS. Teaching the Saints of GOD is reserved for the Ones whom GOD has called and chosen with a love of Truth! Isaiah Chapter 6 explains that we dwell in the midst of people with unclean lips; Prophet Isaiah realized that he was undone.

Today, some people are teaching the Saints of GOD who do not believe and have not received the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the name of JESUS. The bottom line is a love for Truth must be more important than earning a degree from the best Bible College, University, or Seminary; the Holy Spirit must be the ultimate Teacher.  Below are some of the things that professors at the world's best schools are not currently teaching. Moreover, you will also discover some corrections to some of the things that they are teaching. Since we mentioned corrections, we ask that you click on this link it will get your attention. I have some good news; In a dream this morning, January 22, 2024, GOD showed me that some will repent and start feeding the lambs and sheep the sincere milk of the Word of GOD and meat as appropriate. GOD also showed me that some will realize that although they believe they are good at what they are doing, others are good at what they are called to do. Thus, some will show a greater appreciation for others; this means the number with understanding will increase. Yes, this is good news! However, this is not the end of the story. Daniel 11:32-35 explains what is going on today and why this communication is being shared today. GOD has given us understanding and encouragement to continue to share in love; this work is not in vain - the number with understanding will increase and work together. The ones GOD has called and chosen with understanding must continue to work to help make others white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. We pray in the name of JESUS that you will take time out and read this communication and click on every link.  Saints of GOD, we have work to do to make the Bride of Christ Ready.

(1)  Do you understand the Revelation of the Flesh of JESUS Christ, the Bread that came down from heaven? Well, a quick answer some may exclaim “Yes I do, it is the Word of GOD.” But do you really understand the affirmation of John 1:1-3? Do you understand what JESUS meant when he said you must eat his flesh? To serve GOD in a more perfect way it is important to understand this revelation knowledge in the name of JESUS. Click on this link and receive the revelation!  We also have several videos on the Revelation of the Flesh of JESUS. Click on this link to watch our latest video on this subject.   Click on this link to watch an earlier video.

(2) Do you believe the NIV is a Holy Bible? Some schools promote the use of the NIV. But do you realize the NIV and some other versions of the Bible have undermined the integrity of the written word of GOD? Watch this short video and receive this truth – you will begin to understand the nature of the problem that must be addressed to help make the Bride of Christ ready in the name of JESUS.

(3) Do you realize that GOD gave us instructions to determine if doctrine is of men or GOD and these instructions have not been applied in determining sound doctrine? Consequently, today some of the things that are being taught are the doctrines of men, and the instructions that GOD has given us have been dismissed or overlooked. Therefore, today there are many who are teaching for doctrine the commandments of men and are worshipping GOD in vain.  Click here and receive the revelation.

(4) Have you been taught that GOD said that He suffers not a woman to teach? And she is to be silent in the church and if she has any questions to ask her husband at home. Many are being taught this as doctrine! Some of these teachers are pastors with Ph.D.’s and DD’s. However, truth will show you how the integrity of the written word of GOD has been undermined and this teaching is the doctrine of men.  However, there are some who will never receive this truth because of personal pride.  Unfortunately, these individuals’ personal pride has become more important than the word of GOD going forth in the name of JESUS. Click on this link and receive the revelation. Click on this link to watch the video!

(5) Do you realize that there are more than 45,000 denominations worldwide (45,000 different winds of doctrine)? And many of these denominations cannot fellowship together, however, GOD wants the Church to come together as one! Click here to watch the video! It is imperative to understand the scope of this problem and to gain the revelation knowledge that is needed to regain the focus of GOD’s Strategic Battle Plan. Click on this link and receive the revelation.

(6) Do you really understand spiritual warfare? Well, Satan understands spiritual warfare and Satan has been very effective. One of the things that Satan has done is to undermine the integrity of the written word of GOD. This is the reason there are so many versions of the Bible that do not say the same things. It is being reported that there are over 100 versions of the Bible in the English language. For the love of money is the root of all evil. One of the chief stratagems Satan uses is to ensure the Saints of GOD do not know who JESUS is as the Son of GOD to a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Satan knows without this understanding; the Saints of GOD will be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine.  Click on this link and receive the revelation.

(7) Do you understand how GOD sees the Church today? Do you think that GOD is pleased with 45,000 winds of doctrine and that the Church is not working to come together as one? Click on this link to discover how GOD sees the Church today and what GOD wants His Saints to do in the name of JESUS.

(8) Revelation Knowledge is very important. For example, the Revelation of the First Seal! Some teach that this is a false Christ who is riding on the white horse with the bow. However, this is false teaching. Click here to receive the true revelation.

(9) GOD does not want His Saints to be caught naked. Here is another revelation that many Saints do not understand because they have not been taught. Click here to discover the Revelation of the Three Unclean Spirits as Frogs in Revelation 16:13-15.

(10) Do you really want to understand the state of the United States today. Well, when you understand the Revelation of the Two Women with Wings as a Stork that Zechariah wrote about in Zechariah Chapter Five will help. Click on this link to receive the revelation.

(11) Do you really understand the Way of the LORD in the name of JESUS? Do you understand why America keeps experiencing storms all around her? Do you understand the revelation regarding Mystery Babylon the Great? Click on this link for more Revelation Knowledge  And Click on this link to receive more knowledge to help in fighting in this Spiritual Warfare

(12) JESUS said there is no Prophet accepted in his own country or nation. Nevertheless, GOD continues to send warnings to the leadership of nations through His prophets. Below are links to communications that GOD has sent the Presidents of the United States through Prophet Elmore Richmond Jr. since 9/11.

Letters to President George W. Bush

Letters to President Obama

Letters to President Trump

Letters to President Biden

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