Driving While Black - Looking Back - God Says End Police Brutality Now

July 22, 2018
Howard Richmond was shot by a Sheriff Deputy 20 years ago - His crime was driving while black! The shooting was unjustified; however the State Attorney would not prosecute - two years later the State Attorney killed himself - Next 5 years later the Sheriff Deputy who shot Howard went to prison for stealing drugs from the evidence room. Watch the complete video and see what God is saying today. This video clearly shows that God has spoken and it is time to end police brutality and to hold the police accountable in the United States. The video is broken down into three parts. Part one covers an episode of Cochran and Company from 1998: "Driving While Black" - Lessons learned are shared that we can use today. Next the video covers a demonstration that was held in Los Angeles in 1998 against Police Brutality. This powerful demonstration clearly gives insight to help effect change today. Viewers are given an opportunity to watch an effective demonstration in Los Angeles in 1998. The video clearly shows that today we must do more than just march and protest. Invaluable insights are shared to include insights from Brig. General Celes King III. Next Prophet Elmore Richmond shares actions that have been taken behind the scene to reach President Trump and others leaders to help effect change at the direction of God in the name of JESUS. Watching the complete video is a must for all who are serious about ending police brutality and holding the police accountable. The video directs viewers to an inquiry that was conducted at the direction of God to determine President Trump's and the Justice Department's resolve to protect the people from the police. Viewers are able to see the door open before their eyes to effect change today. More insight is provided on our website www.revelationuptotheminute.org

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